Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Javascript Obuscation

Imagine a website without Javascript? Why not? (no debates, only one scenario.. keep guessing). This is not something what i am going to write.

Security and bandwidth are the primary concerns for any web application that too if its exposed to public rather intranet. There are few open source tools which is available for overcoming this by size reduction, obfuscation, compression, minification etc. There are subtle difference between each of these but it addresses our concern.

There were so many online and offline tools available for doing the job, but as known fact that during this process something should not go wrong. Considering these aspects only very few popular ones were listed below.

Google Labs Closure Compiler -
Yahoo Yui Compressor -
Dojo ShrinkSafe -
JS Min -

Some of the links out of scope for this topic are..
Java implementation

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